Spring Letter from the Editor

As I’m writing this letter on a cold January day at the start of 2022, the promise of spring on the horizon seems foreign. 

 It’s been almost a year since I began this venture with Launch Lifestyle, and even though I find myself still sitting in the same spot in my cozy office chair, a few days in on one of half a dozen quarantines from the last year, the view is brighter. And though we are still trudging through this season of sickness, there has been a LOT of good, positive change in the last 365 days. You like us, you really, really like us. 

 I’ve been overwhelmed at the outpouring of support for what I sometimes refer to as my “little publication that could.” I’m often asked, “What if you run out of stuff to write about?” and it always makes me laugh. I can report that North Alabama is brimming with stories of the unique fabric that makes up this community. Our commitment remains the same: good storytelling that celebrates people, places, food, events, products, and humanity. 

 It’s no surprise that for our spring issue we are highlighting all things refreshing. Whether it’s your closet, weeknight meals, or just your home office, we dove into the little details that make a big difference.  We wouldn’t dare ignore the wedding season, and we checked in with some of North Alabama’s etiquette experts to explore the old trends and the new, plus some classic rules that never change. Spring planting and suppers were on our agenda also, and we hope you enjoy meeting some of North Alabama’s finest chefs and gardeners. And as always, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and we hope you enjoy some of our favorite spring shopping suggestions.  

 Thank you once again for coming along on this journey with us. Cheers to spring!


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